Wet Foot, Dry Foot  

Posted by Emily

Cubans have been migrating to the United States via Mexico for over a decade. Many immigrants pursue this route to avoid the hassles of dealing with the US Coast Guard. Instead, thanks to the wet foot, dry foot policy, Cubans are allowed to become legal US residents as long as they step foot on American soil. This path for Cuban migration has increased since 2006 because when Raul Castro took over power, many Cubans gave up hope that he would provide a decent life for them . More than 90 percent of Cubans immigrants now reach the United States this way.
Sunday, however, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said that Mexico had agreed to send back Cuban immigrants who arrive in Mexico without proper documentation. "The measures we have agreed on will include a mechanism for the swift return of illegal migrants who try to use Mexico to get to the United States," Perez Roque told reporters. Mexican officials did not comment on this statement. He also said the agreement, which is to be signed today, should help prevent people trafficking and illegal immigration.
This seems like a very positive step in the efforts to halt illegal immigration into the United States. Only time will tell however if the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States will decrease. I'll try to keep everyone updated on this situation.
Until next time...

This entry was posted on Monday, October 20, 2008 at 7:10 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



I think that the Wet Foot, Dry Foot policy is a humane one because the policy does not forcibly deport illegal immigrants who have created a residence in the United States. What do you think about this policy? On the new Cuban and Mexican agreement, the agreement may reduce the number of illegal immigrants attempting to cross into the United States, but illegal immigrants possess extreme determination, and some may either continue the traditional Mexican route, or the immigrants may employ radical methods of transportation for crossing into America, like makeshift submarines and airplanes. Do illegal immigrants possess the technology to build such transportation, and if so, will illegal immigrants employ these forms of transportation?


October 20, 2008 at 9:12 AM

Under such a terrible ruler as Castro in Cuba I believe that the wet foot dry policy is a good one. Since Cubans live in a terrible situation and they work hard to make it across the border, than I believe they should be allowed to stay.
As to your second question. Considering the fact that many illegal immigrants who try to come to this country are extremely impoverished and are looking for a better life, I doubt they have the means to construct even the crudest modes of transportation.
Thanks for the comment!

October 20, 2008 at 7:38 PM

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