Freedom to Hire Illegally  

Posted by Emily

Many employers today, from small farms to huge corporations, hire illegal workers to do the job Americans don't want to do. These businesses lure in illegal workers desperately seeking to feed their family. The relative ease of getting a low-paying job in America attracts thousands of illegal immigrants every day. These businesses rarely go unpunished by the government, so their use of illegal labor continues. As long as employers are willing to hire illegals, there will be new illegal immigrants crossing our border everday.
The government has done little up till now to penalize employers who hire illegal immigrants. Worksite enforcement programs were scaled back 95 percent between 1999 and 2003. Also between this time period, the number of businesses prosecuted for hiring illegals went from 182 in 1999 to only FOUR in 2003, and the fines collected from these businesses dropped from $3.6 million to $212,000. The government also issued fine notices to only three employers in 2003 compared to 417 in 1999. The gradual step down in enforcement of employers who hire illegals came with the move of President Bush into the White House. The more relaxed enforcement has also been caused by immigrant rights groups, business lobbies, and members of Congress. Recently, however President Bush has improved the E-verify system (formerly the Basic Pilot/Employment Eligibility Verification Program) which is an online system that verifies the eligibility of a potential employee. The system is run by both the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration. The system works by comparing the employee's I-9 form against the SSA and Department of Homeland Security databases. More than 87,000 employers are currently enrolled in the program. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have also recently arrested seven current and former supervisors of IFCO Systems North America, who were accused of transporting and harboring illegals. If convicted, the company executives could face jail time and a $250,000 fine. Hopefully, this is a positive sign that the government is cracking down on companies like IFCO.
This aspect of illegal immigration promises to be a hot topic for the future president, either Barack Obama or John McCain. Both believe that a stronger crackdown on employers who hire illegals is needed. Whoever is chosen as our next president needs to be prepared to enforce all regulations that will decrease the attraction that immigrants feel for the United States.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 9:47 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



This topic is quite intriguing, but why would anyone relax prosecution of illegal immigrant employers? Secondly, why did President Bush reintroduce some immigration legislation? Finally, do you think the $250,000 fine on corporate executives is appropriate for their ignorance?


October 29, 2008 at 6:49 PM

I agree that this is a very interesting topic. But if illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans don't want aren't they helping our economy? And why would either candidate want to crack down on illegal immigrants working if they help the economy?

October 29, 2008 at 7:20 PM

Although many illegal immigrants do help out or economy workwise. However, illegal immigrants also tax our economy by using our health care and emergency services. Some of my earlier posts show that the average illegal immigrant contributions to society are much less than the amount they receive from free education, health care, emergency services, and more.
Thanks for the comment!

October 29, 2008 at 9:22 PM

Bush cut back on illegal immigration policies because of the pro-immigration groups that he needed votes from for his second term. And in the same way he was pressured to cut back on penalties, he was also pressures to reinforce stronger penalties towards the end of his current term. Although the fine seems sufficient, I believe the fines should more or less be based on how much profit a company makes. For a bigger corporation, $250,000 would be easy to pay off, but for smaller farms $250,000 would seriously harm them. Although the point may be to hinder companies from ever hiring illegal immigrants again, it should not bankrupt them all together.
Thanks for the comment!

October 29, 2008 at 9:26 PM

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