
Posted by Emily

What does the future hold for America if illegal immigration continues?
The main answer that I can produce is that American- born citizens would become a minority. A birth rate of 4 million people a year combined with a death rate of 2.4 million per year produces a growth of 1.6 million people a year. Compare that to the estimated 3 million illegal immigrants who enter the US, not to mention numerous legal immigrants who also enter the United States. America would become a huge melting pot, rich with diversity.
To me, this seems like a great thing. As hispanic and non-hispanic whites, along with the immigrants from other countries intertwine, more interracial breeding will occur, obscuring the line between "white", "black", "brown", or "yellow". In world without race their would be no discrimination, racial violence, or prejudice.
However, in a more logical view, could the population become too high? Since immigrants contribute to 3.3 percent of the nation's population and 28 percent of the immigration total, America's population is contributed to heavily by immigration. Our already large population will continue growing. As seen in many third-world countries, starvation and poverty would run rampant. Jobs and food would be scarce. However, this theory could be debunked considering the fact that as standard of living decreased, death rate would increase and birth rate would decrease.
Only time will tell however what the future holds for America in regards to illegal immigration.

This entry was posted on Monday, October 20, 2008 at 7:38 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Great post. Your numerical analysis of the issue of illegal immigration puts it into logical perspective. I think that it would be absurd to even think about American citizens' becoming the minority in their home to illegal immigrants. Granted, this is the land of the free where you bring your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...I am all for legal immigration. The richer the diversity the more we learn and the broader our perspective of life are. However, illegal immigration is not only by literal definition illegal but also, on a personal level, frustrating to know that people can exploit the benefits that others work hard for.
Keep up the great work Emily!

October 20, 2008 at 7:42 PM

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