On the Fence  

Posted by Emily

There are an estimated 10 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.A today. As that number grows and grows, the more attention the immigration issue receives. There is no question as to why so many people have migrated to the United States; jobs, the American dream, a higher standard of living. I believe that all people, provided they are well-documented, should be allowed these rights if they so choose. However, these rights for a better standard of living should not be granted to individuals who cross the border illegally.
There is also the issue of a fence being built to keep out the immigrants. I wish I was able to laugh harder when I heard this decision. I'll discuss this issue more in-depth later in the blog, but just understand this, I think it's ludicrous.
This issue is debated hotly in the current presidential election. So let me shed some light on the subject so you can make a smart vote. I really wanted to blog about this issue because I have a strong belief in America, it's economy, and the rights of all human beings. Until next time...

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 11:10 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .




I read your blog and you produce a stable background to the origin of immigration into America. I took a quote out of your blog, "I believe that all people, provided they are well-documented, should be allowed these rights if they so choose. However, these rights for a better standard of living should not be granted to individuals who cross the border illegally." I would just like to produce a few questions that would be helpful if I could understand them. What if these people that cross the border illegally are only doing so because that is the only way they can support their family? Since jobs are more plentiful in American than other countries they have more of a change to put food in their children's mouths. Should they still be deported back to a place where there is no hope for them making money with the end result evident death? Also, how come this was not a pressing issue before with the arrival of the English to the Americas in the early 1600's? Did we not "illegally" enter the Native American's land? So would that in turn make us hippocrates for not allowing other people to enter America illegally? Lastly with a more broad question. How can land be owned by individuals when it was not created for us to own individually in the first place? That last question is interesting because it also ties in with some arguments that are being brought up in taxes. The question of whether or not we should have a property tax or not because people do not truly own the land they live on so they shouldn't be able to buy. Instead they should be taxed to live on it. Also come check out my blog!!

I know I will be back to this blog because the issue is highly interesting,

Robert Lapp

October 1, 2008 at 7:35 AM


Your blog nicely introduces your topic, but I am slightly confused. When you support keeping out illegal immigrants, does that mean that you would support deporting illegal immigrants who have scavenged a job? Secondly, is the idea of a border fence or the fact that the fence's technology does not work ludicrous? Thanks.

October 1, 2008 at 2:32 PM

I think your topic is very intriguing because I too think that it is absurd that an American could ever be indifferent to illegal immigration. We are based off of a society where everyone works their tails off to succeed, especially in the state of the economy nowadays. American citizenry is a privilege that should not be abused by desperate illegal immigrants. Immigration has always been an aspect of America because it was founded as a melting-pot of immigrating cultures. However, it is simply unfair to legal immigrants who work hard to obtain a green card and then citizenship to allow illegal immigrants to prance into our country without gaining the privilege to stay here.
One problem with your argument though is the fact that illegal immigrants make up a large portion of our country's hard-labor and if we were to deport all of them how would this affect our economy?
Merritt Johnson

ps--Take a look at my blog!!

October 1, 2008 at 5:08 PM


I like how you provided your readers with background information which would lead to further discussion. Do you feel that immigrants are affecting our country in a negative way? If so, have you considered that our country was created by immigrants and, to this day, continues to let immigrants to come into its borders, besides the immigrants from Mexico?


October 1, 2008 at 6:20 PM

Thanks for the post. Really great questions, but I'm looking at this situation from a very economic standpoint, not a personal one. Although my heart goes out to the people who are trying to make a better life for themselves, the millions of illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes yet who crowd our hospitals and use our resources is hurting the US. I do realize that immigrants do the work Americans don't want to, and I will discuss that later.As your second question regarding the Native Americans,societal rules such as our current law system were not in place during that time period. Therefore the British "invasion" was just colonial English imperialism. As for your last question, it's a very philosophical one. Unfortunately, the only real answer I can offer is that after we claimed the Americas it was officially ours, so we own it. Very simple.
Thanks for the comment!

October 1, 2008 at 6:42 PM

Not necessarily, if the government was to kick out all illegal immigrants, our economy would go downhill quickly. I say let the illegal immigrants that are in our country stay and get documented, but then close off immigration to only documented citizens.
To your second question, I think the fence itself is ridiculous. I will delve further into my position later.
Thanks for the comment!

October 1, 2008 at 6:46 PM

Maybe my argument was unclear.
I believe that illegal immigrants should NOT be allowed into our country. So I actually agree with your statements.
Thanks for the comment!

October 1, 2008 at 6:49 PM

I do believe that illegal immigrants are negatively affecting our society. I perfectly understand that immigrants are necessary for diversity and jobs. However, the millions of illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes and use our resources are not beneficial. I realize that America has immigrants from all the world, but they are not the problem. Statistics show that California and Texas get 39 percent of all immigrants. The only country near these states is obviously Mexico. And to further my point, 57 percent of all illegal immigrants come from Mexico http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_immigration_to_the_United_States.
Thanks for the comment!

October 1, 2008 at 6:56 PM

Hey i really liked your blog. I agree that the rights should be extended to those who go through the process and get here legally. But what about those who think that the legal way is too long and complicated? Should they just grin and bare it or should maybe we look at a way to make the process of becoming a citizen a little easier. Oh yea i like the music.

October 2, 2008 at 3:50 AM

I'm am really interested in your topic of immigration. I agree with you that all people should have the right to live in America. I also believe that illegal immigrants should be offered the right to apply for citizenship,but if they refuse then, yes I believe they should be deported. In my opinion it is unfair for all of us who live in America and work hard to make a living and pay off our taxes, while illegal immigrants get the benefits of living in America without paying taxes or having proper documentation as citizens.

October 2, 2008 at 7:45 AM


I love your laughing at the idea of buidling a fence. Why do you think that the government would propose such a proposterous issue?

October 8, 2008 at 9:12 PM

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