The Day of Decision  

Posted by Emily

Today is the day, November 4th, 2008. Election day. If you haven't already, go out and vote! For many people, like me, who just turned 18, this is a monumental election that we have the honor of taking a part in.
When I woke up this morning and got on Facebook I noticed something great. Whether supporting John McCain or Barack Obama, everyone of my friends had something to say about the election. Whether it be a new display picture profiling their favorite candidate, a status update proclaiming their support for their candidate, or simply joining groups that favor their candidate. It's an exciting time, a great moment in history for people my age. I've never been through an election like this before and for once I actually feel like I have a say in the next president of the United States. Campaign signs are plastered everywhere, students are in the pit reminding everyone to vote, Google has a voting makeover, front pages of newspapers are being taken over by the election. Now, more than ever, it seems like all of America is behind this election and is ready for change.
2004's election didn't seem nearly as involved as this one. Maybe it was because I was younger then, or because everyone wasn't thoroughly sick of George Bush yet. Whatever the reason, this year's election definitely seems different.
In a way I will glad when this is over. I'm sort of tired of politics right now and I just want to know who the next president will be. I'm tired of hearing about the latest presidential scandal or hearing someone preaching about how one candidate is better than the other. Let's all try to remember that whoever the next president is, they are working for us and that whatever they do is for the good of the United States. I really hope this process goes smoothly and we don't need a recount, it would be nice to know who our next president is by tomorrow. Well, that's all for now! Very soon we will have a new President of the United States, and that's amazing!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 10:38 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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