On the Fence  

Posted by Emily

There are an estimated 10 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.A today. As that number grows and grows, the more attention the immigration issue receives. There is no question as to why so many people have migrated to the United States; jobs, the American dream, a higher standard of living. I believe that all people, provided they are well-documented, should be allowed these rights if they so choose. However, these rights for a better standard of living should not be granted to individuals who cross the border illegally.
There is also the issue of a fence being built to keep out the immigrants. I wish I was able to laugh harder when I heard this decision. I'll discuss this issue more in-depth later in the blog, but just understand this, I think it's ludicrous.
This issue is debated hotly in the current presidential election. So let me shed some light on the subject so you can make a smart vote. I really wanted to blog about this issue because I have a strong belief in America, it's economy, and the rights of all human beings. Until next time...